Are beautiful. We don’t know what it is, but every time we look at them, the words that come into our minds include “professional”, “stylish”, or “polished”.
There are a lot of website builders out there, each with their strengths and weaknesses. Although most of them do a pretty good job in allowing non-techies to build websites (without having to learn codes), a lot of them really feel incomplete, in that the templates that they offer you just aren’t professional enough.
Sure, you can populate the website with content – almost anyone can add pictures and text. But the magic is really in the design, and this is where Wix templates really shine.
Over 510 Wix Templates for Free
It really doesn’t matter what type of website you are building, there are Wix templates for you.
With over 510 premium templates, Wix’s templates are uniquely designed for businesses, online shops, music, restaurants, hospitality, photography, portfolio, retail, fashion, creative, etc.
Wix goes even further and categorizes their templates into over 70 sub-industries. They understand that not all business templates are applicable to all businesses. After all, a website design for a lawyer should be different from a design for a plumber. A website for a music rock band should be different from a website design for classical musicians. A wedding photographer’s website should be different than a traveling photographer’s website.
They categorize their templates so this makes it easy for you to find a template that’s relevant to the type of website that you are building.
Just pick and choose any of the templates, and you can start dragging and dropping pictures, slideshows and other content into the website. Wix makes it pretty easy for you to get started, and their Help function is really one of the better ones amongst other website builders.
Most Popular Wix Templates
If you’re not sure which Wix templates to start off with, you can view their . This is a great starting point, as you’ll see which templates are popular right away.
Here are just a few top rated templates:
Photo Studio
Food & Beverages
Food Photography
Advisors / Consultants
If you didn’t see any templates above that interests you, there are a lot more popular professional templates by Wix for over 70 different industries – .
Real Example Websites with Wix Templates
If you need some inspirations on . You’ll see a broad range of live websites, and the best part is that once you click into some of these websites, it will tell you which templates the websites are using.
We found this function very helpful, especially being able to see what other Wix users are doing with their website design.
Let’s face it, it’s challenging to design a website from scratch. So being able to get inspired by looking at other people’s websites, and knowing which Wix templates they are using, will be very helpful to get you started.
HTML5 Templates
Wix templates are HTML5-based templates, so they are using the most up-to-date codes to ensure that the designs are more SEO friendly and that they are also compatible with mobile devices (such as iPhones, iPads and iPods).
This helps ensure that you are providing the best experiences to your visitors when they land on your website. The last thing you want is that your visitors see your website differently than how you are viewing it. This is why Wix is a good website builder choice, as their templates are not only stylish and professional, but also created using the latest technology.
If you want a great looking, stylish website design, Wix is definitely one of the strongest website builders available in the market today. Wix templates are contemporary, professional, and can make your website look good.
With over 510 premium templates, categorized into over 70 different niches / industries for you, it will really help you find the best and most relevant design for your website.
Further, Wix has plenty of real example websites to inspire you. They even point out which exact Wix templates these websites are using, making it easy for you to get started.
If you want a stylish website, that helps your website stand out from the crowd, try out Wix to see if you like them.